The Trinidad and Tobago Performance Motor Sport Company Limited
presents Drag Racing action on October 3rd and 4th 2015 at Wallerfield.

DRAG RACINGSpectatorsAdvanced tickets $60
At the door $80
Competitors$400 race car entry fee
$300 race bike entry fee
Tents will be available for rent in the pit.
For further info contact 798-0771, 681-8596, 687-1768
Bouncy Castle and other activities for kids
This event is sanctioned by TTASA
Lookout for International night drag racing November 28th 2015˜
TTASA has announced that Drag Racing events are carded for October 3rd & 4th and November 28th and 29th 2015 at Wallerfield.
The October event will be a local event and the November event will also include foreign drag cars from around the region.
The new layout will allow for racing to take place from West to East. This entire area is already paved. Trackbite / traction compound will be used for the first 500 feet of the track. A timing system with scoreboards will also be used.
This is a aerial view showing the proposed layout. Click image to enlarge:

The location of the pit area is still being discussed to allow easy flow to the start line and from the finish.
More details will be posted here as we are updated.