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Importing Personal Watercraft

Official forum of the Trinidad & Tobago Jet Ski Racing Federation

Moderators: LEEding-Edge28, TTJSRF, 3ne2nr Mods

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Importing Personal Watercraft

Postby yuhstupidowha » May 28th, 2013, 1:31 pm

Im considering buying a jet ski from the US online.
Has anyone ever done this before?
What type of documentation is needed and who can i ship with?
How will I be taxed?

Any information would be greatly appretiated.

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Ibis Electronics
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Re: Importing Personal Watercraft

Postby Ibis Electronics » August 9th, 2013, 11:57 am

I bought mine from RIVA motorsports and had them ship it to my freight forwarders. I used Laparkan as I normally use them and don't have any trouble. They crated it up and took care of everything else from there.

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Re: Importing Personal Watercraft

Postby vinke » October 7th, 2017, 11:18 am

What did that cost you if you don't mind me asking even though it was four years ago


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