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WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Official forum of the Trinidad & Tobago Jet Ski Racing Federation

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WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Chimera » September 18th, 2010, 10:12 am

Hello all, I am looking into buying one or two jetskis for personal use.

I will be importing them myself. Looking for recommendations on what are good models to buy that don't give too much trouble

100k budget for each one.

on a side note,
If I bring down about 10 Jet Skis for rental use, is there some kind of license I need to get or permission?

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Ibis Electronics
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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Ibis Electronics » September 18th, 2010, 7:20 pm

what's your intention for the ski's racing, recreational, rental, wave jumping etc ?????????

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Chimera » September 18th, 2010, 7:23 pm

for personal use, just recreational, no wave jumping and racing

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Ibis Electronics » September 18th, 2010, 7:28 pm

Well I have a kawasaki 15f for sale Brand new and does around 61mph stock and also a Kawasaki ultra 250x with a stage 1 but if you are importing it yourself there is a wonderful bike yamaha just realeased called a vxr but it might break the budget.

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Chimera » September 18th, 2010, 7:42 pm

4 stroke yamaha waverunner vxr?

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Ibis Electronics » September 18th, 2010, 8:29 pm

yup its a 2011 model this is going to be its first year of production..........Its n/a and is fast enought o run with supercharged ski's but it wont handle as well in the chop cause it is much lighter. But there is absolutely no bells and whistles on this ski just the basics.......... but what you should do is a wait a year or so till the price drops when the 2012 models are released.

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Chimera » September 18th, 2010, 8:33 pm

hmm, 12k US

*goes to check import duty /taxes on jet skis*

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Chimera » September 18th, 2010, 8:36 pm

and wrt to bringing units to rent, which would be the best bet?

also, can jetskis be easily repaired in Trinidad/Tobago?

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Ibis Electronics » September 18th, 2010, 8:50 pm

well for rent the best bet would be between a vx110 or the kawasaki 15f and any mechanic can fix a jetski engine its basically a car engine.

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby gool28 » September 23rd, 2010, 5:28 pm

I have 2 yamaha VX deluxe with trailers, 2005 models with 54 and 94 hours they are practically brand new and they would both cost you a little over the price you plan to pay for one. These machines sit very well in our choppy waters. call me or check my add for soempics

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby copper_shot » October 18th, 2010, 3:33 pm

kawasakil ULTRA 260 2009


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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby Dirty Face » November 19th, 2010, 1:25 am

^^ ABA boy go big or go home, forget about buying 2 ski's just pool your resources and buy a HSR-Benilli Series R race edition, google it 350Hp V6 in a ski.. :)

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby STSL » December 1st, 2010, 4:34 pm

We have a 2008 Vx Cruiser for sale used.. ski only has 90hrs and is in top conditon, does 52-55 Mph and is great for rec riding and most reliable.

Contact us :
Price : $65000

for more pics visit : viewtopic.php?f=54&t=345125

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Re: WTK:Buying a Jetski (or two)

Postby marky » April 14th, 2011, 4:39 pm

Jet Skis and atv for sale
bess deal



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