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PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

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PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby TTJSRF » May 21st, 2010, 7:52 pm


1.) Each person operating, riding on, or being towed behind a personal watercraft must wear an approved non-inflatable Type I, II, III, or V personal flotation device. Inflatable personal flotation devices are NOT recommended.

2.) The operator of a personal watercraft must attach the engine cutoff switch lanyard (if equipped by the manufacturer) to his/her person, clothing, or PFD.

3.) Personal watercrafts should not be operated from ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise.

4.) Maneuvering a personal watercraft by weaving through congested vessel traffic, jumping the wake of another vessel unreasonably close or when visibility around the vessel is obstructed, or swerving at the last possible moment to avoid collision is classified as reckless operation of a vessel.

5.) It is advised that you have a fire extinguisher in case of a fire emergency on your PWC.

6.) It is advised that in case of emergency, you have some form of communication or means of sending a signal (Radio, cellular phone, flare gun, etc)

7.) Proper footwear, eye wear, wet body suit are advised to be worn.

8.) Having a proper rope on board your PWC is greatly advised especially in case of an emergency for either your PWC or others, it can be used for towing.

9.) When riding with other PWCs, try avoid riding in each other blind spots especially directly behind each other! Ride at safe distances apart in good view of each other. DO NOT follow directly behind other watercrafts or boats.

10.) Try riding closer to the coastline rather than out in the open sea.

11.) When operating your watercraft, scan constantly for people, objects or boats.

12.) Operate defensively at safe speeds.

13.) DO NOT go near others to spray or splash them.

14.) Avoid sharp turns to make it difficult for others to understand where you're going.

15.) DO NOT jump wakes or waves, as you could impact with another boat or impact your body on the watercraft.

16.) You should not operate your PWC in rough water, bad weather or poor visibility.

17.) You should not ride your watercraft in remote areas alone, if you're riding further than swimming distance to shore, be sure to be accompanied by another boat.

18.) Never ride in water less than two (2) feet deep. You may suck in debris in your jet or hitting an underwater obstacle.

16.) Always ride within your limits!

17.) Always keep your two feet on the PWC's foot rest floor.

18.) Passengers should always hold on firmly to either the person in front or the passenger handles. Never allow a passenger to ride in front the operator.

19.) If you or your passenger is in pregnant or in poor health, seek advice from your doctor before riding.

20.) NEVER operate your PWC after consuming alcohol or drugs!

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Re: PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby brams112 » May 26th, 2010, 8:36 pm

great advice,i want to get into this sport sometime in the future,so i am just gathering funds,the rides i am seeing you guys are going into looks like fun,some advise please, what is a good brand in terms of economical persuit?

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Re: PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby wagonrunner » May 26th, 2010, 9:45 pm

3.) Personal watercrafts should not be operated from ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise.

Did not know about this.
It's a common thing in the coves (ex. Wynn's bay, Gasparee), as a means of commuting across it to different houses. Even from boats, to some marinas in chaguaramas.

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Re: PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby Richard1 » May 26th, 2010, 11:41 pm

To bramms112,

It's great to hear your interest of getting into this sport! In terms of an economic choice, first to begin with, all skis are good skis. Whether is be Yamaha, Seadoo, Kawasaki or Honda.

I personally own 4 skis, 3 of which are Yamaha and 1 Seadoo. All my previously owned skis were Seadoo. In my experience, Yamaha never gave any problems, was always good on gas and even if there were a problem parts are very easy to get in Trinidad, since Yamaha is such a widely used brand locally.

We also have a local Yamaha dealer which makes things even easier!

Other brand skis, you may more than likely have to order your own parts internationally.

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Re: PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby Richard1 » May 27th, 2010, 12:12 am

To wagonrunner,

It is advised internationally that Personal watercrafts should not be operated from ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise, due to the fact that they do not carry any form of lighting on them.

It is even a law in some parts of the world, that you cannot cross this time limit.

With a boat it would be safer, but with a jet ski there would be a much higher risk involved.

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Re: PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby Ibis Electronics » June 2nd, 2010, 1:03 pm

brams112 wrote:great advice,i want to get into this sport sometime in the future,so i am just gathering funds,the rides i am seeing you guys are going into looks like fun,some advise please, what is a good brand in terms of economical persuit?

I would have to say Yamaha is the best on gas and reliability. I have a Kawasaki and its always breaking down and i also have a yamaha which is rented out everyday and never gave us trouble as yet. i never had any experience with Seadoo but on some other forums i also do here that Yamaha is better but seadoo is also good.

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Re: PWC (Personal Water Craft) General Saftey Tips

Postby TTJSRF » December 3rd, 2010, 1:43 pm



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