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Re: PNM in Gov't

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Sissy » June 21st, 2021, 4:12 pm

elec2020 wrote:
Sissy wrote:
elec2020 wrote:

and they wonder why those same people don't vote for them

She was prob gonna say "blasted" not "black" though.

just how the leader said "blank" instead of "black". Lol ok

Yes stop reading into things. She's mixed herself. She could have been saying anything else.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Habit7 » June 21st, 2021, 4:21 pm

De Dragon wrote:
Redman wrote:
De Dragon wrote:
Habit7 wrote:
De Dragon wrote:
Habit7 wrote:
De Dragon wrote:Still, it was unnecessary for JUHN Scarfy to diminish Guyana's vaccine program just to make T&T # 1 in a category.

Please quote Dr Rowley diminishing Guyana vaccine program.

How about I just fast forward to you not being able to and responding with beat up and spin.

He did not diminish Guyana vaccine program. It is just a couple of pro govt supporters in Guyana trying to attack their Opposition Leader and tying in Dr Rowley in the bacchanal. Likewise, you just don't like Dr Rowley so you are willing to believe anything negative against him even when it is not true.

If he had simply stated that T&T had the largest stock of WHO approved vaccines, without mentioning Guyana what would have been the reaction in Guyana? Why the need to mention that Guyana has more vaccines because they're using non WHO approved vaccines at all?
Once again, JUHN Scarfy fails to choose his words more carefully, like the disgusting "begging" comments, and yet here you are upset that someone took it as a slight and responded?

He spoke about every CARICOM member and observer by name, not just Guyana.
The Guyanese govt has no problem with what he said, it is only a few private Guyanese citizens.
The Guyanese govt is gratefully receiving aid from TT for their recent flooding.

And just as predicted, nothing to substantiate the claim of diminishing of Guyana.

Keep the beat up strong.

“The only other vaccines that have been available to Caricom people in Guyana contrary to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago that decided that we were only going to use WHO approved vaccines, Guyana decided for reasons best known to them that they will use Sinopharm from China and Sputnik from Russia long before the WHO approved it and of course Guyana used 40,000 vaccines of that nature. They were the only Caricom countries outside of Dominica which also used 20,000 Sinopharm and St Vincent got Sputnik. We stayed with our policy of WHO approved vaccines,” he said.

Every Caricom member? I didn't know Caricom had 3 other members alone :roll:
Keep white knighting, I know with the lockdown the extra $5 bonus for being extra dotish and obstinate when you submit you transcript to you handler will come in handy :wink:

Can you show the source of your post?
I googled your paragraph, and it linked an express article...the latter part.
The first part went through a detailed account of multiple islands in the Caricom.

So why your comment on 3 members? ... 0dc8d.html

I notice you didn't ask Tuntsy for any source, but I guess LFD RFD PNM apologists of a feather have to stick together :roll: :roll:

Trinidad Guardian, June 19th 2021

Dr Leslie Ram­sam­my, the Guyanese doc­tor who launched a scathing at­tack on Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley on Thurs­day says his state­ments were made on his own be­half and main­tains he’s stand­ing by them.

On Thurs­day, Ram­sam­my, an ad­vi­sor to the Min­istry of Health in Guyana, sent an opin­ion piece to Guyanese me­dia hous­es, la­belling Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley as reck­less and out of line.

He claimed Dr Row­ley in­sult­ed Guyana and 74 oth­er coun­tries where the Russ­ian-made Sput­nik vac­cine is used.

He re­ferred to state­ments made by Dr Row­ley on June 12, where the Prime Min­is­ter claimed T&T had the best vac­cine pro­gramme in the Cari­com.

“In de­fend­ing the vac­cine fi­as­co in his coun­try, Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley, un­wit­ting­ly or de­lib­er­ate­ly, im­plied that Guyana’s suc­cess­ful vac­ci­na­tion pro­gram so far is an il­lu­sion be­cause Guyana uti­lized vac­cines not ap­proved for use. He boast­ed that Trinidad and To­ba­go has the most vac­cine dos­es al­ready in the coun­try than any oth­er coun­try in CARI­COM, ex­cept Guyana, but that Guyana’s vac­cines do not count since they are not ap­proved,” Ram­sam­my wrote.

He said the Prime Min­is­ter could try to change the nar­ra­tive of T&T’s vac­cine pro­gramme but not at Guyana’s ex­pense.

“First of all, at the time Trinidad and To­ba­go’s Prime Min­is­ter stat­ed that Trinidad and To­ba­go had with­in their coun­try 234,000 dos­es of vac­cines, Guyana had in our pos­ses­sion 465,000 dos­es of vac­cines, twice the amount of dos­es that Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley’s coun­try had,” Ram­sam­my wrote.

How­ev­er, he said the num­ber of vac­cines was not the im­por­tant point, as he ac­cused Row­ley of ques­tion­ing the le­git­i­ma­cy of the vac­cines be­ing used by Guyana.

“Let me make it clear – all the vac­cines in use in Guyana were reg­is­tered and ap­proved for use by Guyana’s Food and Drug An­a­lyst De­part­ment. Those reg­is­tra­tions and ap­provals are not au­to­mat­ic. They are based on a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions and a process Guyana has used for decades. It is the same process that saved thou­sands of lives when we reg­is­tered In­di­an-pro­duced and lo­cal­ly-pro­duced HIV med­i­cines.”

Guardian Me­dia sent ques­tions to Ram­sam­my via email, ask­ing whether his state­ments re­flect the views of the Guyanese Health Min­istry. Ram­sam­my was al­so told that T&T’s Min­istry of For­eign and CARI­COM Af­fairs de­nied the Prime Min­is­ter made the state­ments at­trib­uted to him by Ram­sam­my.

In his re­sponse, Ram­sam­my said, “I speak on my own be­half. I stand by my state­ment.”

Guardian Me­dia al­so sent ques­tions to Guyana’s Health Min­is­ter Dr Frank An­tho­ny by send­ing ques­tions via What­sApp. An­tho­ny read the ques­tions but up to press time, he had not re­spond­ed.

The George­town Cham­ber of Com­merce and In­dus­try (GC­CI) al­so joined the for­ay, as it is­sued a press re­lease slam­ming Row­ley and Guyana’s Op­po­si­tion Par­ty.

“We al­so note, with con­cern, the re­cent pos­tur­ing by the Chair­man of CARI­COM, Dr Kei­th Row­ley, im­ply­ing that the vac­ci­na­tions, which are be­ing giv­en to Guyanese, are un­safe. This comes as no sur­prise as Dr Row­ley ful­fils his his­tor­i­cal trait of demon­strat­ing scant re­gard for the lives of Guyanese. We find these ef­forts by the Leader of the Op­po­si­tion of Guyana and the chair­man of CARI­COM to be ut­ter­ly rep­re­hen­si­ble, cal­lous and ir­re­spon­si­ble and con­demn these ef­forts to score cheap po­lit­i­cal points,” the Cham­ber said in a re­lease.

In its re­sponse yes­ter­day, the Min­istry of For­eign and CARI­COM Af­fairs de­fend­ed the Prime Min­is­ter.

The re­lease la­belled Ram­sam­my’s com­ments as mis­lead­ing, dis­re­spect­ful and po­ten­tial­ly dam­ag­ing while call­ing the Cham­ber’s com­ments rep­re­hen­si­ble and slan­der­ous.

“The com­ments and state­ment at­tempt to as­so­ciate Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley with views which he does not hold and which he has nev­er ex­pressed. It is note­wor­thy that in his pub­lished com­men­tary Dr Ram­sam­my could of­fer not one sin­gle quo­ta­tion from the Prime Min­is­ter to sup­port his false al­le­ga­tions, nor did Dr Ram­sam­my of­fer a shred of ev­i­dence to sup­port his mis­lead­ing claims,” the re­lease stat­ed.

It went on to say that at no time did the Prime Min­is­ter dis­par­age Guyana’s vac­cine pro­gramme nor im­ply the vac­cines be­ing used by its CARI­COM neigh­bour were un­safe.

At the press con­fer­ence on June 12, the Prime Min­is­ter made the fol­low­ing state­ment af­ter apol­o­gis­ing to the na­tion for the first-come, first-serve vac­cine fi­as­co.

“The on­ly coun­try in CARI­COM that has re­ceived in­to its bor­ders, more vac­cines than Trinidad and To­ba­go is Guyana. And the rea­son for that, is that Guyana took a de­ci­sion which we did not take, I’ve raised that on this plat­form be­fore but I’ll raise it again, the Guyana Gov­ern­ment took a de­ci­sion that Trinidad and To­ba­go did not take and that was ear­ly in the pro­ceed­ings to use vac­cines that were not ap­proved by the World Health Or­gan­i­sa­tion. As a re­sult of that, Guyana had a larg­er vol­ume of vac­cines avail­able, we did not par­tic­i­pate in that and that ex­plains it. So if one is look­ing at WHO ap­proved vac­cines, it would be clear that Trinidad and To­ba­go, got with­in its bor­ders, more vac­cines than any oth­er CARI­COM coun­try,” the Prime Min­is­ter said at that time.

Pro­fes­sor of In­ter­na­tion­al Re­la­tions at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Al­ber­ta, Cana­da, Pro­fes­sor Andy Knight told Guardian Me­dia the en­tire ex­change was un­called for.

He al­so said the Prime Min­is­ter’s state­ments about the vac­cines used in Guyana were used with­out the World Health Or­gan­i­sa­tion’s ap­proval was a ‘bit mis­lead­ing.’

“Those vac­cines that Guyana re­ceived ear­ly in the year were made avail­able through a part­ner­ship be­tween the Coali­tion for Epi­dem­ic Pre­pared­ness In­no­va­tions (CEPI), Gavi, the Vac­cine Al­liance, the Pan Amer­i­can Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion/World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion (PA­HO/WHO) and the Unit­ed Na­tions Chil­dren’s Fund (UNICEF). Thus, while tech­ni­cal­ly one can make the case that these vac­cines were not di­rect­ly ap­proved by WHO (most vac­cines around that time were still un­der­go­ing tri­als) the fact is that this first ship­ment of vac­cines to Guyana was de­liv­ered with the bless­ings of PA­HO/WHO,” Knight said.

He said if the Prime Min­is­ter want­ed to make the point that T&T has more vac­cines that have tech­ni­cal­ly ap­proved by the WHO, he could have done so with­out im­ply­ing that Guyana’s larg­er amount of vac­cine was be­cause some of their vac­cine ship­ments were not tech­ni­cal­ly yet on the WHO’s ap­proved list.

“To me this is an un­nec­es­sary ar­gu­ment to make just to prove that ‘we have more WHO-ap­proved vac­cines than the oth­er guy.’ It’s undiplo­mat­ic. It’s un­nec­es­sary. Even the of­fi­cials at WHO would rec­og­nize that back in Jan­u­ary 2021 Guyana did the right thing to pro­cure as many COVID-19 vac­cines as pos­si­ble to try to stop the spread of the pan­dem­ic,” Knight said.

Knight said he hopes the ‘undiplo­mat­ic’ ex­change will not hurt re­la­tions be­tween the two coun­tries.

This doesn't arise to be a diplomatic problem because the govt of Guyana is not speaking against the GORTT. It is a Guyanese man and civil body attacking the GY Opposition Leader and trying to find an issue with what KCR said which was benign. The PM was reporting to TT citizens about our vaccination program in comparison to Caricom, a comparison the TT Opposition regularly makes.

So continue to believe press releases that say Rowley has scant regard for the lives of Guyanese, a week after we sent flood relief items for them. Personally, I think the GORTT giving them more attention than they are worth.

TriniTuner 24-7
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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Redman » June 21st, 2021, 4:31 pm

De Dragon wrote:
Redman wrote:
De Dragon wrote:
Habit7 wrote:
De Dragon wrote:
Habit7 wrote:
De Dragon wrote:Still, it was unnecessary for JUHN Scarfy to diminish Guyana's vaccine program just to make T&T # 1 in a category.

Please quote Dr Rowley diminishing Guyana vaccine program.

How about I just fast forward to you not being able to and responding with beat up and spin.

He did not diminish Guyana vaccine program. It is just a couple of pro govt supporters in Guyana trying to attack their Opposition Leader and tying in Dr Rowley in the bacchanal. Likewise, you just don't like Dr Rowley so you are willing to believe anything negative against him even when it is not true.

If he had simply stated that T&T had the largest stock of WHO approved vaccines, without mentioning Guyana what would have been the reaction in Guyana? Why the need to mention that Guyana has more vaccines because they're using non WHO approved vaccines at all?
Once again, JUHN Scarfy fails to choose his words more carefully, like the disgusting "begging" comments, and yet here you are upset that someone took it as a slight and responded?

He spoke about every CARICOM member and observer by name, not just Guyana.
The Guyanese govt has no problem with what he said, it is only a few private Guyanese citizens.
The Guyanese govt is gratefully receiving aid from TT for their recent flooding.

And just as predicted, nothing to substantiate the claim of diminishing of Guyana.

Keep the beat up strong.

“The only other vaccines that have been available to Caricom people in Guyana contrary to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago that decided that we were only going to use WHO approved vaccines, Guyana decided for reasons best known to them that they will use Sinopharm from China and Sputnik from Russia long before the WHO approved it and of course Guyana used 40,000 vaccines of that nature. They were the only Caricom countries outside of Dominica which also used 20,000 Sinopharm and St Vincent got Sputnik. We stayed with our policy of WHO approved vaccines,” he said.

Every Caricom member? I didn't know Caricom had 3 other members alone :roll:
Keep white knighting, I know with the lockdown the extra $5 bonus for being extra dotish and obstinate when you submit you transcript to you handler will come in handy :wink:

Can you show the source of your post?
I googled your paragraph, and it linked an express article...the latter part.
The first part went through a detailed account of multiple islands in the Caricom.

So why your comment on 3 members? ... 0dc8d.html

I notice you didn't ask Tuntsy for any source, but I guess LFD RFD PNM apologists of a feather have to stick together :roll: :roll:

Trinidad Guardian, June 19th 2021

Dr Leslie Ram­sam­my, the Guyanese doc­tor who launched a scathing at­tack on Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley on Thurs­day says his state­ments were made on his own be­half and main­tains he’s stand­ing by them.

On Thurs­day, Ram­sam­my, an ad­vi­sor to the Min­istry of Health in Guyana, sent an opin­ion piece to Guyanese me­dia hous­es, la­belling Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley as reck­less and out of line.

He claimed Dr Row­ley in­sult­ed Guyana and 74 oth­er coun­tries where the Russ­ian-made Sput­nik vac­cine is used.

He re­ferred to state­ments made by Dr Row­ley on June 12, where the Prime Min­is­ter claimed T&T had the best vac­cine pro­gramme in the Cari­com.

“In de­fend­ing the vac­cine fi­as­co in his coun­try, Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley, un­wit­ting­ly or de­lib­er­ate­ly, im­plied that Guyana’s suc­cess­ful vac­ci­na­tion pro­gram so far is an il­lu­sion be­cause Guyana uti­lized vac­cines not ap­proved for use. He boast­ed that Trinidad and To­ba­go has the most vac­cine dos­es al­ready in the coun­try than any oth­er coun­try in CARI­COM, ex­cept Guyana, but that Guyana’s vac­cines do not count since they are not ap­proved,” Ram­sam­my wrote.

He said the Prime Min­is­ter could try to change the nar­ra­tive of T&T’s vac­cine pro­gramme but not at Guyana’s ex­pense.

“First of all, at the time Trinidad and To­ba­go’s Prime Min­is­ter stat­ed that Trinidad and To­ba­go had with­in their coun­try 234,000 dos­es of vac­cines, Guyana had in our pos­ses­sion 465,000 dos­es of vac­cines, twice the amount of dos­es that Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley’s coun­try had,” Ram­sam­my wrote.

How­ev­er, he said the num­ber of vac­cines was not the im­por­tant point, as he ac­cused Row­ley of ques­tion­ing the le­git­i­ma­cy of the vac­cines be­ing used by Guyana.

“Let me make it clear – all the vac­cines in use in Guyana were reg­is­tered and ap­proved for use by Guyana’s Food and Drug An­a­lyst De­part­ment. Those reg­is­tra­tions and ap­provals are not au­to­mat­ic. They are based on a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions and a process Guyana has used for decades. It is the same process that saved thou­sands of lives when we reg­is­tered In­di­an-pro­duced and lo­cal­ly-pro­duced HIV med­i­cines.”

Guardian Me­dia sent ques­tions to Ram­sam­my via email, ask­ing whether his state­ments re­flect the views of the Guyanese Health Min­istry. Ram­sam­my was al­so told that T&T’s Min­istry of For­eign and CARI­COM Af­fairs de­nied the Prime Min­is­ter made the state­ments at­trib­uted to him by Ram­sam­my.

In his re­sponse, Ram­sam­my said, “I speak on my own be­half. I stand by my state­ment.”

Guardian Me­dia al­so sent ques­tions to Guyana’s Health Min­is­ter Dr Frank An­tho­ny by send­ing ques­tions via What­sApp. An­tho­ny read the ques­tions but up to press time, he had not re­spond­ed.

The George­town Cham­ber of Com­merce and In­dus­try (GC­CI) al­so joined the for­ay, as it is­sued a press re­lease slam­ming Row­ley and Guyana’s Op­po­si­tion Par­ty.

“We al­so note, with con­cern, the re­cent pos­tur­ing by the Chair­man of CARI­COM, Dr Kei­th Row­ley, im­ply­ing that the vac­ci­na­tions, which are be­ing giv­en to Guyanese, are un­safe. This comes as no sur­prise as Dr Row­ley ful­fils his his­tor­i­cal trait of demon­strat­ing scant re­gard for the lives of Guyanese. We find these ef­forts by the Leader of the Op­po­si­tion of Guyana and the chair­man of CARI­COM to be ut­ter­ly rep­re­hen­si­ble, cal­lous and ir­re­spon­si­ble and con­demn these ef­forts to score cheap po­lit­i­cal points,” the Cham­ber said in a re­lease.

In its re­sponse yes­ter­day, the Min­istry of For­eign and CARI­COM Af­fairs de­fend­ed the Prime Min­is­ter.

The re­lease la­belled Ram­sam­my’s com­ments as mis­lead­ing, dis­re­spect­ful and po­ten­tial­ly dam­ag­ing while call­ing the Cham­ber’s com­ments rep­re­hen­si­ble and slan­der­ous.

“The com­ments and state­ment at­tempt to as­so­ciate Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley with views which he does not hold and which he has nev­er ex­pressed. It is note­wor­thy that in his pub­lished com­men­tary Dr Ram­sam­my could of­fer not one sin­gle quo­ta­tion from the Prime Min­is­ter to sup­port his false al­le­ga­tions, nor did Dr Ram­sam­my of­fer a shred of ev­i­dence to sup­port his mis­lead­ing claims,” the re­lease stat­ed.

It went on to say that at no time did the Prime Min­is­ter dis­par­age Guyana’s vac­cine pro­gramme nor im­ply the vac­cines be­ing used by its CARI­COM neigh­bour were un­safe.

At the press con­fer­ence on June 12, the Prime Min­is­ter made the fol­low­ing state­ment af­ter apol­o­gis­ing to the na­tion for the first-come, first-serve vac­cine fi­as­co.

“The on­ly coun­try in CARI­COM that has re­ceived in­to its bor­ders, more vac­cines than Trinidad and To­ba­go is Guyana. And the rea­son for that, is that Guyana took a de­ci­sion which we did not take, I’ve raised that on this plat­form be­fore but I’ll raise it again, the Guyana Gov­ern­ment took a de­ci­sion that Trinidad and To­ba­go did not take and that was ear­ly in the pro­ceed­ings to use vac­cines that were not ap­proved by the World Health Or­gan­i­sa­tion. As a re­sult of that, Guyana had a larg­er vol­ume of vac­cines avail­able, we did not par­tic­i­pate in that and that ex­plains it. So if one is look­ing at WHO ap­proved vac­cines, it would be clear that Trinidad and To­ba­go, got with­in its bor­ders, more vac­cines than any oth­er CARI­COM coun­try,” the Prime Min­is­ter said at that time.

Pro­fes­sor of In­ter­na­tion­al Re­la­tions at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Al­ber­ta, Cana­da, Pro­fes­sor Andy Knight told Guardian Me­dia the en­tire ex­change was un­called for.

He al­so said the Prime Min­is­ter’s state­ments about the vac­cines used in Guyana were used with­out the World Health Or­gan­i­sa­tion’s ap­proval was a ‘bit mis­lead­ing.’

“Those vac­cines that Guyana re­ceived ear­ly in the year were made avail­able through a part­ner­ship be­tween the Coali­tion for Epi­dem­ic Pre­pared­ness In­no­va­tions (CEPI), Gavi, the Vac­cine Al­liance, the Pan Amer­i­can Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion/World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion (PA­HO/WHO) and the Unit­ed Na­tions Chil­dren’s Fund (UNICEF). Thus, while tech­ni­cal­ly one can make the case that these vac­cines were not di­rect­ly ap­proved by WHO (most vac­cines around that time were still un­der­go­ing tri­als) the fact is that this first ship­ment of vac­cines to Guyana was de­liv­ered with the bless­ings of PA­HO/WHO,” Knight said.

He said if the Prime Min­is­ter want­ed to make the point that T&T has more vac­cines that have tech­ni­cal­ly ap­proved by the WHO, he could have done so with­out im­ply­ing that Guyana’s larg­er amount of vac­cine was be­cause some of their vac­cine ship­ments were not tech­ni­cal­ly yet on the WHO’s ap­proved list.

“To me this is an un­nec­es­sary ar­gu­ment to make just to prove that ‘we have more WHO-ap­proved vac­cines than the oth­er guy.’ It’s undiplo­mat­ic. It’s un­nec­es­sary. Even the of­fi­cials at WHO would rec­og­nize that back in Jan­u­ary 2021 Guyana did the right thing to pro­cure as many COVID-19 vac­cines as pos­si­ble to try to stop the spread of the pan­dem­ic,” Knight said.

Knight said he hopes the ‘undiplo­mat­ic’ ex­change will not hurt re­la­tions be­tween the two coun­tries.

Why would I ask anyone else if I'm trying to understand why you think Caricom has 3 members?

Maybe you should link your sources when quoting third party info.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby De Dragon » June 21st, 2021, 4:40 pm

^^^Maybe you should learn to read and comprehend before LFD RFD PNM white knighting. :roll:
In spite of your low opinion of me, you really think I would not know that Caricom has more than 3 member :? s

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Rovin » June 21st, 2021, 8:24 pm


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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Mmoney607 » June 21st, 2021, 9:59 pm

Rovin wrote::lol:

We need her in the press conference.

Fight fire with fire.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Wraith King » June 21st, 2021, 10:02 pm

Saw someone commented on Facebook that's it's only UNC supporters that struggling during this pandemic. So it seems all is well with the KK.

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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby MaxPower » June 21st, 2021, 10:11 pm

Wraith King wrote:Saw someone commented on Facebook that's it's only UNC supporters that struggling during this pandemic. So it seems all is well with the KK.


How you coping with the malls closed? You get a bligh for the rent?

Better you give away all dem Fubu clothes you have and the bootleg Jordans.

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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby WhiteAnalyst » June 21st, 2021, 10:17 pm

MaxPower wrote:
Wraith King wrote:Saw someone commented on Facebook that's it's only UNC supporters that struggling during this pandemic. So it seems all is well with the KK.


How you coping with the malls closed? You get a bligh for the rent?

Better you give away all dem Fubu clothes you have and the bootleg Jordans.


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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » June 22nd, 2021, 2:27 pm


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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Sissy » June 22nd, 2021, 2:37 pm

Yet if this was Kamla there would be rioting.

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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Habit7 » June 22nd, 2021, 3:50 pm

shake d livin wake d dead wrote::drinking:

Trinidad got $18B in aid - which agency or country gave us basically one-third of our annual expenditure? Any names or who?

The 3 CAF loans amount to less than $1.5B.

And the CDC gave us US$475,000, not the number quoted there. ... -covid-19/

But hey, once it could get shared on FB or Whatsapp, it might catch the gullible

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby The_Honourable » June 22nd, 2021, 4:48 pm

Yo Dragon... you might enjoy this pastor (gets good after the 10th minute) ... 0815123239

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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby MDtuner70 » June 22nd, 2021, 5:02 pm

MaxPower wrote:
Wraith King wrote:Saw someone commented on Facebook that's it's only UNC supporters that struggling during this pandemic. So it seems all is well with the KK.


How you coping with the malls closed? You get a bligh for the rent?

Better you give away all dem Fubu clothes you have and the bootleg Jordans.


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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Wraith King » June 22nd, 2021, 5:09 pm

Habit7 wrote:
shake d livin wake d dead wrote::drinking:

Trinidad got $18B in aid - which agency or country gave us basically one-third of our annual expenditure? Any names or who?

The 3 CAF loans amount to less than $1.5B.

And the CDC gave us US$475,000, not the number quoted there. ... -covid-19/

But hey, once it could get shared on FB or Whatsapp, it might catch the gullible

The gullible accusing others of being gullible in order to silence.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » June 22nd, 2021, 7:45 pm

When it on the net it fake, according to the die hards....look the answer to our vaccine problems right there

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Wraith King » June 22nd, 2021, 8:06 pm

shake d livin wake d dead wrote:

When it on the net it fake, according to the die hards....look the answer to our vaccine problems right there

Jeez. Terrible.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby ruffneck_12 » June 22nd, 2021, 10:43 pm

ent pnm was in power for the majority of Trinidad history ?

How come place so mismanaged?

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Habit7 » June 23rd, 2021, 12:17 am

ruffneck_12 wrote:ent pnm was in power for the majority of Trinidad history ?

How come place so mismanaged?

Mismanaged you say?

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby sMASH » June 23rd, 2021, 12:34 am

we litterally just have to be better than 2bn people for that statement to be 'technically' correct, and the world is 7bn

when he said 'mismanaged' he doesnt mean that we living the worst out of all the people in the world, like sh!tkicker compared us to haiti as doing good.
he means, for the resources we have had pass tru the country, with pnm in charge except for 3 terms, we wasted plenty DIRECTLY from mismanagaed state projects, and coudl have done better.

the mere fact we have water restrictions for half the year, when we get more than enough water the other half of the year, is testament to how we mismanged the country.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Wraith King » June 23rd, 2021, 12:35 am

ruffneck_12 wrote:ent pnm was in power for the majority of Trinidad history ?

How come place so mismanaged?

Mismanaged is an understatement.

The BBC has placed us alongside Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and Uganda.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Habit7 » June 23rd, 2021, 1:19 am

sMASH wrote:we litterally just have to be better than 2bn people for that statement to be 'technically' correct, and the world is 7bn

when he said 'mismanaged' he doesnt mean that we living the worst out of all the people in the world, like sh!tkicker compared us to haiti as doing good.
he means, for the resources we have had pass tru the country, with pnm in charge except for 3 terms, we wasted plenty DIRECTLY from mismanagaed state projects, and coudl have done better.

the mere fact we have water restrictions for half the year, when we get more than enough water the other half of the year, is testament to how we mismanged the country.

Nobody is comparing us to Haiti alone. The report references an IMF ranking that compares us to the World at 49 out of 192.

And you can't have it coming and going. We pay the one of the lowest if not the lowest water rate in the Americas. That is because the state subsidises it. You cant say the govt wastes money in WASA then say WASA wicked to raise rates, collect debts and fire unneeded staff. The Manning admin gave WASA workers VSEP to rationalise WASA and one of those admins you tried to absolve brought back staff levels to their previous bloated state. WASA, Petrotrin, CAL etc are consider mismanaged. But when govt decide to take the bull by the horns and manage them to bring them to profitability, one of those admins always quick to oppose it.

No country can say they managed everything perfectly. But because your party not in power you can't be bawling like if you are so oppressed while you live in the country ppl from all over (not Venezuelans) fighting to come to and succeed. You all are like those woke Americans who like to say US is such a racist country while Black and Brown immigrants flooding in and making their best life.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby sMASH » June 23rd, 2021, 1:27 am

if wasa cut out the friends and family they might get money to plug the leaks and actually double thier supply.
but u cant burn down the accounts department a third time.

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Redman » June 23rd, 2021, 7:12 am

It's laughable that the same folk who complain about anything that references Kamla in a negative but accurate light....being a blame Kamla campaign..are the ones who happy to look back at PNM 40 years ago and anchor everything negative to admins further back in time.

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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby zoom rader » June 23rd, 2021, 7:31 am

This wat dem MC mods banned for dis time.

Dirty XXX Habit7 keep complaining to the red government mods. Real pantie men

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Redman » June 23rd, 2021, 7:33 am

Pantie men complain about punishment.

Welcome back ZoombANdranath
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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby K74T » June 23rd, 2021, 7:33 am


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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby MaxPower » June 23rd, 2021, 7:54 am

Good Morning Zoom,

Welcome back.

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Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby sam1978 » June 23rd, 2021, 8:54 am

Redman wrote:Pantie men complain about punishment.

Welcome back ZoombANdranath

Calling me names is not a problem

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Re: Re: PNM in Gov't

Postby Gladiator » June 23rd, 2021, 9:04 am

You respond with a PNM propaganda video...LOL
Habit7 wrote:
ruffneck_12 wrote:ent pnm was in power for the majority of Trinidad history ?

How come place so mismanaged?

Mismanaged you say?


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