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Need help understanding the "matte" painting process

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Need help understanding the "matte" painting process

Postby brandon005 » April 3rd, 2015, 9:21 pm

Hi im thinkn of paintin my car in a matte paint and finish.. I have no idea of d cost of this paint.. where its available. .and safety regarding proper application. . . Any tuners suggestions are welcome! Thanks

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby V8 Boys » April 3rd, 2015, 10:36 pm

Nice thread cous'...

Matte colors or semi gloss finishes have been around since the 50s when guys wanted to save money on expensive prep, and some were just plain fedup of the normal...everybody does it >shiny finish. It also was a common thing for rat basically was a break from the norm.

In the last 10 years matte finishes have been catching on with the new kids on the block...the cars of today as well as the off road guys.

The principle is fairly simple and costs alot less than the traditional glossy clear coat applications.
There are pros and cons too.

There are far as I know 2 major suppliers here.,...Penta/autocolor and Sikkens matte Clear. I'm sure there are few more I'm unaware of...

I've tried the so called "matte" clear from Penta and was NOT impressed at least that was a few years ago when they were trying to get the combination right (they were using their NORMAL ms clear and adding a binding agent to the attempt to get it to apply and dry EVENLY) didnt work well for me at least...I did a few cars...and found that the flow and dry rate was mostly inconsistent. Resulting in a "more semi gloss look" than a real MATTE finish.

I started using the Sikkens Matte Clear and was impressed with how EVEN the coats went on, how well it flowed and how perfect it dried...heck...I even did my truck in it at 2am...with NO paint room and very poor prep work...which it hid/camouflaged really well!

I kinda didnt like how it went over with the black base tho...I found that it didnt really look black after I sprayed and it dried . So i started experimenting too...I'd mix into the Sikkens matte...a bit of ms clear from either Penta or Sikkens...(2to1) and even experimenting with other faster 770. You can also choose to not use any thinner ...I usually only put about a 10% of slow (1493) into a batch...for better flow.

I'll tell you this....that matte finish can be applied in a dust storm...over a poorly prepped surface EVEN over BARE metal and it'll stick and cover.

In my opinion however....not ALL cars/trucks/vans look good in it tho....I mean...sure it's the "in thing" now but it can look lousy and ill-suited to the vehicle...especially if you dont accent or highlight the other parts of the car...(saw a 12yr old Benz in it... a matte black, and it looked so off!)

Ask around, shop around and go by the garages that have done it quite often and also look at some youtube vids as well.

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Re: Need help understanding the "matte" painting process

Postby DVSTT » April 3rd, 2015, 11:00 pm

Have you all ever seen garage fresh white mkiv Supra? Ever paid fine attention to the paint? It's really interesting Imo, it's matte but it has a slight gloss to it, almost satin look. Always wondered how they did that.

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby avimadvibez » April 8th, 2015, 8:04 pm

have to agree with V8 boys on his points. From my experience, I would not ever recommend the "cheap" method of just going with base and hardener, as this often results in spotty finishes, and the slightest rub on the vehicle leaves a permanent mark. Using the matte clear coat gives you a much more even finish, and is more resistant to marking.

When it comes to the choice of clear coat, Penta is an absolute no. Their matte finish is absolutely horrible, I would always go with Max Meyer or Sikkens, with Sikkens being my preferred choice; absolutely perfect laying on with no spotting at all.

About the slight gloss look, this could be a mix between semi-gloss and matte; adding some MS or HS clear to the matte should result in this finish (I have never tried it), having the clear itself mixed by the paint shop to suit your amount of gloss (did this a couple times, customers were very pleased) or maybe it could be that the white itself is a semi gloss solid, I dont know the vehicle so I cant say for sure.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby 2NR Smurf » April 8th, 2015, 8:54 pm

OR you could wrap it if you not comfortable with the more 'permanent' nature of paint.

Just offering a possible alternative.

And as V8 Boys rightly said, its not for every vehicle and should be accented to really make it pop.

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » April 9th, 2015, 7:28 pm

diz wa you looking to do?

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby brandon005 » April 9th, 2015, 10:59 pm

thats the idea.. just with green or dark grey... its for a 2008 local corolla.. not sure about the final outcome... thanks for the advice guys.. really educational.

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby SMc » April 11th, 2015, 10:50 am

As Smurf suggested wrap is a really good alternative and 3M 1080 is the real deal...(BTW new colours out soon)


The brushed Metal blue looks really good

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby Dragist » April 11th, 2015, 9:12 pm

Good Info thanks Cliff .

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby Mr. Red Sleeper » April 13th, 2015, 8:00 am

theres also the Plastidip option.....

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » April 13th, 2015, 7:47 pm

this was pretty impressive

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby brandon005 » April 23rd, 2015, 10:12 am

you see the shine the mazda has even though the matte is on.. thats the idea im goin for .. kind of like satin . . . thanks alot guys.. I'm sure other persons will benefit from your info as well.

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby Ted_v2 » August 3rd, 2015, 7:54 am

Good info.

My question is however, do i need to epoxy prime before i lay down the paint? or is there any sealer to before painting? or does the matt base cover that?

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby brandon005 » September 9th, 2015, 12:05 pm

Bump.. Very informative.. I was informed by someone that what I am looking for is the Satin Finish and that's the same base prep with just a different mix on the clear coat.. any substance to this advice.

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby V2NR 3.0 » September 9th, 2015, 10:35 pm

So any references on who does these matte jobs ?

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby brandon005 » September 12th, 2015, 6:56 pm

Heard a reference from Couva. Hansel

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Re: Need help understanding the "matte" painting process

Postby kalashnikov » September 12th, 2015, 9:01 pm

Just a question
What's the average cost to get matte on a car? cs3 lancer to be exact

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Re: Need help understanding the "matte" painting process

Postby kalashnikov » September 12th, 2015, 9:01 pm

Just a question
What's the average cost to get matte on a car? cs3 lancer to be exact

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Re: Need help understanding the

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » September 14th, 2015, 6:35 am

V2NR 3.0 wrote:So any references on who does these matte jobs ?

almera posted above was done by Chop Shop Customizing
rx7 was done by Street Vision Customizing

both shops out in Grande

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Re: Need help understanding the "matte" painting process

Postby Ted_v2 » September 14th, 2015, 7:10 am

kalashnikov wrote:Just a question
What's the average cost to get matte on a car? cs3 lancer to be exact

10k ish


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