Postby professor » November 9th, 2012, 10:26 am
I had a friend, Errol John, now deceased, who put a Vespa engine on a bicycle frame, was very fast, then whe we were preparing for our 'Around The World' trip made a frame using 1" hollow section,and used a Honda Dream engine and rear suspension, with a Triumph front end, it handled really good until I crashed it in Guatemala. He was a mad genuis, built open wheel formular type car with Renault engine gear box, then modified a Renault with Gull Wing doors, reclining seats, you were positioned like you almost lying down, was the first man to put a rotary engine in a Mini, rear wheel drive. When he came back from the US he started modifing VW's in to Dune Buggys, he was also one of the first to start widening steel rims locally, he a a mazda wrecker with four wheels in the rear, also one of the first to put a V8 in a Toyata jeep. Trinidad & Tobago has a lot of talent, tell you friend to keep it up,