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by 200sx
February 20th, 2020, 11:36 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Beninca vs TAU Gate motor
Replies: 70
Views: 28927

Re: Beninca vs TAU Gate motor

This little device will do it for $30 on Amazon on any motor that can incorporate a press button switch to open/close. i used the sonoff basic which is cheaper around 7USD......... same results, cheaper cost
by 200sx
January 3rd, 2020, 9:56 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Beninca vs TAU Gate motor
Replies: 70
Views: 28927

Re: Beninca vs TAU Gate motor

fed up of losing or damaging your gate remote............i was.......... fellars i can install a device on an existing gate motor giving you acess on your phone from anywhere tried it out on my gate and did it on my dads as can get voice command which makes it better with an echo...
by 200sx
January 1st, 2020, 12:54 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: 2020 Murder toll ched
Replies: 1208
Views: 268751

Re: 2020 Murder toll ched

Would really like to see a smaller number this year...........
by 200sx
April 11th, 2019, 9:25 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Adults were given the SEA Mathematics test, here's how they did
Replies: 38
Views: 9827

Re: Adults were given the SEA Mathematics test, here's how they did

Edit: Ok so I averaged about 2 mins per question without the use of a calculator. What kind of time limit are these children allowed and are they allowed the use of calculators? Once the children are given enough time I think that this is a great test. Remember the purpose of this test it to *gasp*...
by 200sx
March 28th, 2019, 11:27 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Water pump
Replies: 274
Views: 62026

Re: Water pump

Well said wheelbarrow
by 200sx
March 28th, 2019, 9:35 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Water pump
Replies: 274
Views: 62026

Re: Water pump

recently installed a 1HP GOULDS pump with 30/50 switch and a 2gallon pressure tank.........the tank is way to small for the pump............ i know, when they say a 2gl tank its really .6 gallon of water the tank accutally holds (the rest is air this pressure should be set 2PSI lower than your cut ...
by 200sx
March 28th, 2019, 9:18 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Water pump
Replies: 274
Views: 62026

Re: Water pump

Yep 1 1/4” inlet with 1” poly out no 90* bends.......smooth bends with the poly for abt 20-30 feet then break down to 3/4”...........

Supply 1000gl tank and 400gl linked
by 200sx
March 28th, 2019, 7:46 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Water pump
Replies: 274
Views: 62026

Re: Water pump

I just ordered the Cycle Stop Valves CSV1A Pump Control Valve, 15 psi -150 psi This version is adjustable so I can set it to run at 45psi constant will decide if I want to run a higher pressure when all baths and plumbing installed...... ordered a 40/60 square D pump switch I’ll hav i...
by 200sx
March 28th, 2019, 10:32 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Water pump
Replies: 274
Views: 62026

Re: Water pump

recently installed a 1HP GOULDS pump with 30/50 switch and a 2gallon pressure tank.........the tank is way to small for the pump............ i know, when they say a 2gl tank its really .6 gallon of water the tank accutally holds (the rest is air this pressure should be set 2PSI lower than your cut i...
by 200sx
February 8th, 2019, 11:04 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: The 2019 Murder Toll Ched
Replies: 1606
Views: 351036

Re: The 2019 Murder Toll Ched

someone please confirm possiable 61

Kerron isles 29 aka "Pot" shoot in enterprise died in hospital lastnight
by 200sx
February 4th, 2019, 9:46 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Canadian imprisoned in Trinidad for keychains
Replies: 98
Views: 19620

Re: Canadian imprisoned in Trinidad for keychains

this will be a new epsoide on

by 200sx
January 28th, 2019, 12:30 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Republic Online Banking
Replies: 449
Views: 88191

Re: Republic Online Banking

just tried mine app works normal.........iphone
by 200sx
January 28th, 2019, 8:40 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: PNM in Gov't(2015-2020)
Replies: 9408
Views: 1542845

Re: PNM in Gov't - 3 YEARS LATER

shake d livin wake d dead wrote:
200sx wrote:ched heading needs to be updated

To what exactly?

my bad in september
by 200sx
January 28th, 2019, 8:09 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: PNM in Gov't(2015-2020)
Replies: 9408
Views: 1542845

Re: PNM in Gov't - 3 YEARS LATER

ched heading needs to be updated
by 200sx
January 16th, 2019, 3:54 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Is there any existing railways/railroad in Trinidad's rural areas?
Replies: 12
Views: 3408

Re: Is there any existing railways/railroad in Trinidad's rural areas?

i came across rails a while back while running a new water main about 4-5 feet under the raod-way by Barrackpore junction opposite the market................that thing was pain for the welders to cut with a torch............. i believe St Madeline may still have in some places..........the line used...
by 200sx
January 4th, 2019, 11:55 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Court
Replies: 2
Views: 1540

Re: Court

i would say 3pm

but go for 2pm
by 200sx
January 2nd, 2019, 12:09 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Official Relationship problems thread
Replies: 72
Views: 16541

Re: Official Relationship problems thread

ask yourself this are you ready to settle down with this said girl? do you want to start a family with her? can you be in the same house with her? can you share 1/2 with her? if yessssss to all the my friend are madly deeply in love with this girl sit her down and pull her squar...
by 200sx
January 2nd, 2019, 8:16 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: The 2019 Murder Toll Ched
Replies: 1606
Views: 351036

Re: The 2019 Murder Toll Ched

lets really hope the numbers stay low this year................
by 200sx
December 31st, 2018, 11:13 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: :: The official TOOLS thread ::
Replies: 8029
Views: 1243746

Re: :: The official TOOLS thread ::

happy ole years fellars

i'm looking for a small lathe simple DIY home use

any advice on where to get one a good price or import?

tanx much
by 200sx
December 18th, 2018, 11:15 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: No more Regular Gas: Pressure for poor
Replies: 18
Views: 6493

Re: No more Regular Gas: Pressure for poor

this is a real hit to the fishermen, which will be passed to us

but they can't block the sea's and burn tires.....................
by 200sx
December 12th, 2018, 12:18 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Million dollar coke bust in Westmoorings
Replies: 250
Views: 64152

Re: Million dollar coke bust in Westmoorings

after u pay the bail money (cash or asset) it's the state dollars until trial

if in the time b4 the trial the said person is held in connection with the same offence
say bye bye to your bail money

thats how i understand it
by 200sx
November 23rd, 2018, 10:58 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: *** The official car accident thread***
Replies: 11778
Views: 2597379

Re: *** The official car accident thread***

shake d livin wake d dead wrote:Fyazzz

wow.......axles missing in that pic
by 200sx
November 16th, 2018, 9:02 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: TSTT "Transforms to survive" - retrenches workers
Replies: 75
Views: 22180

Re: TSTT "Transforms to survive"

SR wrote:Wasa and ttec next.........

by 200sx
November 2nd, 2018, 10:21 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Hilux vs Navara used prices
Replies: 58
Views: 14950

Re: Hilux vs Navara used prices

Team Loco wrote:Image

This is the real deal here. This is never done. Sr5 hilux. This one for sale

...........never a let down on or off-road
by 200sx
October 5th, 2018, 2:28 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Petrotrin refinery shut down
Replies: 4358
Views: 754195

Re: Petrotrin refinery to shut down

Duane 3NE 2NR wrote:7cac64dd-8793-463b-927a-f6f15674139f.jpg

and the time has reached........feeling it for the people who recieved

knowing and getting is real different

hang in there fellars
by 200sx
September 27th, 2018, 2:09 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: The official tropical weather thread 2018
Replies: 2062
Views: 478761

Re: The official tropical weather thread 2018

watching how that soon to be monster of ah storm pulling in Kirk
by 200sx
September 27th, 2018, 12:18 pm
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan
Replies: 102
Views: 25737

Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

at the end of the budget on monday, finance minister gonna say enlight of the fact we have 20 days of fuel to supply you the wonderful people of trinidad and tobago knowing we will have no choice but..... importing fuel as a means to address the situation, this comes at a price in which i have no fa...
by 200sx
September 27th, 2018, 11:47 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan
Replies: 102
Views: 25737

Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

just now after we fill up our tanks we wont have $ for anythig else

gonna by ah foreign used bicycle yes before they raise the price on that
by 200sx
September 21st, 2018, 9:05 am
Forum: Ole talk and more Ole talk
Topic: Antarctic icebergs to be Towed to Cape Town
Replies: 6
Views: 2281

Re: Antarctic icebergs to be Towed to Cape Town

Good ideaz.............

but one is to ask themselves.......why is the arctic and antartic ice melting so rapidly ahhhhhhhhh

this could well become "the white gold rush" of this century..............

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