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*****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

this is how we do it.......

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby Dizzy28 » January 11th, 2020, 2:27 pm

Pep a better opposition the actual opposition atm

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby The_Honourable » January 11th, 2020, 5:11 pm

Dizzy28 wrote:Pep a better opposition the actual opposition atm

I agree.

UNC too soft atm. Devant trying on social media but meh...

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » January 11th, 2020, 6:32 pm

The_Honourable wrote:
Dizzy28 wrote:Pep a better opposition the actual opposition atm

I agree.

UNC too soft atm. Devant trying on social media but meh...
All in time,

You have to give them a long rope and then go in for the bust neck. At the rate PNM going they may hang themselfs .

Pep is giving them a short rope, which may not be long enough.

If they in my area sure I will stain my finger for them.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby shaneelal » January 20th, 2020, 7:11 am

Wonder if anyone locally benefited from the "bad deal".
As CEO, he was ultimately responsible.

NP loses US$500,000 in bad deal

Renuka Singh
10 hours ago
Mon Jan 20 2020

Renu­ka Singh

State-owned Na­tion­al Pe­tro­le­um Mar­ket­ing Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (NP) lost over US$500,000 in a bad deal on the sale of bunker fu­el on the in­ter­na­tion­al mar­ket.

There are very few de­tails of this deal avail­able in the pub­lic do­main, but Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that NP was deal­ing with a com­pa­ny named Black Gold on an in­ter­na­tion­al deal which soured and NP was left nurs­ing a mil­lion dol­lar loss.

The deal was the sub­ject of an in­ter­nal au­dit which named op­er­a­tives with­in NP as cul­pa­ble but ac­cord­ing to one NP in­sid­er, it ap­peared to have been swept un­der the car­pet.

The lim­it­ed in­for­ma­tion on the deal is con­tained in an in­ter­nal “good­bye” email writ­ten by the out­go­ing chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer at NP, Bernard Mitchell.

The email was sent to staff of Jan­u­ary 14, one day be­fore Mitchell’s tenure end­ed.

The email list­ed a se­ries of ques­tion­able de­ci­sions tak­en at the State or­gan­i­sa­tion and seemed to in­fer that the board was aware of the grow­ing dis­cord with­in the com­pa­ny.

Mitchell’s email to his for­mer staff was en­ti­tled “un­til we meet again” and in that email, he out­lined the “Black Gold fi­as­co” that cost the com­pa­ny over US$500,000 but which was nev­er prop­er­ly ad­dressed by the board.

“The lack of sanc­tion/ac­count­abil­i­ty for the Black Gold fi­as­co which re­sult­ed in a loss of over US$500,000 for the com­pa­ny, al­though clear cul­pa­bil­i­ty could be de­ter­mined from the Au­dit Re­port and Gen­er­al in­for­ma­tion known among staff,” Mitchell wrote.

While the let­ter did not say much more on that mat­ter, NP in­sid­ers told Guardian Me­dia that there was no prop­er due dili­gence con­duct­ed be­fore NP de­cid­ed to pur­sue the Black Gold mat­ter.

“The req­ui­site Board ap­provals were not ob­tained and that they could not find the prin­ci­pals of the com­pa­ny ini­tial­ly en­gaged,” the in­sid­er said.

“Our fi­nance and le­gal staff were to­tal­ly against the trans­ac­tion but were di­rect­ed to par­tic­i­pate but this did not come out in the au­dit,” the source said.

“What is re­quired is a foren­sic au­dit. There was al­so a re­port on this re­cent­ly com­plet­ed by the Min­istry of Fi­nance,” the in­sid­er said.

Mitchell’s let­ter al­so said that there was a “un­sub­stan­ti­at­ed de­lay” for over 10 months in hir­ing a chief pro­cure­ment of­fi­cer.

“Giv­en that the short­list of can­di­dates to be in­ter­viewed was fi­nalised in Feb­ru­ary 2019 and which is now im­pact­ing the com­pa­ny’s state of readi­ness and abil­i­ty to adopt and com­ply with the re­quire­ments of the pro­cure­ment leg­is­la­tion,” Mitchell said.

He al­so ques­tioned the ex­ec­u­tive de­ci­sion to re­place three di­rec­tors “for no plau­si­ble rea­son” and the uni­lat­er­al sus­pen­sion of Board and Com­mit­tee meet­ings for over three months from May to Au­gust 2019.

“De­spite hav­ing a ful­ly and du­ly con­sti­tut­ed board of di­rec­tors, this de­lay­ing de­ci­sions and the progress of the com­pa­ny,” Mitchell said in the let­ter.

Un­der the head­ing “ex­po­sures”, Mitchell list­ed three main con­cerns in­clud­ing the lim­it­ed progress of the com­pa­ny Cap­i­tal Projects, de­lays in ex­e­cut­ing key projects and ini­tia­tives and NP’s in­abil­i­ty to en­hance op­er­at­ing ef­fi­cien­cies.

Mitchell said that NP was un­able to ex­e­cute its cap­i­tal projects be­cause it lacked en­gi­neers. He said NP failed to ex­e­cute the key projects be­cause it lacked a Project Man­age­ment of­fice.

“I cham­pi­oned this with lim­it­ed suc­cess be­cause of the re­stric­tions in hir­ing the re­quired qual­i­ty re­sources,” he said.

“My con­cern is that the re­al losers in this de­ba­cle are NP, the em­ploy­ees of NP and the stake­hold­ers by ex­ten­sion,” Mitchell wrote.

“The work to en­sure the long-term sur­vival of the com­pa­ny had now start­ed to gain mo­men­tum and the skills re­quired to see it through are not avail­able in abun­dance,” he said.

“If not prop­er­ly ad­dressed NP will be­come just an­oth­er ca­su­al­ty en­ter­prise that we read about dai­ly,” Mitchell wrote.

Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed Mitchell yes­ter­day on the mat­ter of the email, but while he con­firmed that it was his email to staff, he de­clined to com­ment fur­ther.

Guardian Me­dia al­so con­tact­ed NP chair­man Sahid Ho­sein who al­so de­clined to com­ment.

Ho­sein said he would ad­dress in­ter­nal mat­ters at NP at a lat­er date. ... 08ca61f326

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby reboot2020 » January 21st, 2020, 9:52 am

Pro­gres­sive Em­pow­er­ment Par­ty (PEP) leader Phillip Alexan­der has rub­bished a defama­tion law­suit threat­ened against him by the Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny of T&T (Ude­cott).

In a press re­lease is­sued yes­ter­day, Alexan­der ques­tioned the de­ci­sion of the State project man­age­ment com­pa­ny to sue him over his al­le­ga­tions on the $89 mil­lion ren­o­va­tions to Pres­i­dent's House.

"It would be in­ter­est­ing to see how the court de­ter­mines the State's right to refuse ac­count­ing or to muz­zle cit­i­zens ques­tion­ing their ac­tiv­i­ties," Alexan­der said.

Alexan­der al­so crit­i­cised the de­ci­sion of Ude­cott's lawyer Deb­o­rah Peake, SC, to cite a case in which High Court Judge Car­ol Gob­in made strong state­ments on Alexan­der's con­duct as she or­dered him to pay busi­ness­man An­drew Gabriel $775,000 in com­pen­sa­tion for defama­tion. The case is cur­rent­ly be­fore the Court of Ap­peal.

"I would re­mind Ms Peake that T&T is still a democ­ra­cy and free­dom of speech is alive and well, re­gard­less of whether she wears silk, satin, or poly­ester cot­ton to work," Alexan­der said.

Peake's let­ter stemmed from a video post­ed on the par­ty's so­cial me­dia ac­counts on Jan­u­ary 3.

In the video, ti­tled "A PEP Spe­cial In­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the cost of Pres­i­dent's House Part 1", Alexan­der and a guest iden­ti­fied as Stephan Reis dis­cussed the ren­o­va­tions per­formed on the build­ing for ap­prox­i­mate­ly one hour and two min­utes.

Peake said: "No­tably, through­out the video you made it clear that you were speak­ing from a lack of knowl­edge and did not even know the size of Pres­i­dent's House but nev­er­the­less pro­ceed­ed to make a num­ber of false, ill-in­formed state­ment con­cern­ing the project and my client's han­dling of same."

Peake stat­ed that the "egre­gious al­le­ga­tions" were whol­ly un­jus­ti­fied and ma­li­cious.

Peake gave Alexan­der un­til this morn­ing to of­fi­cial­ly re­spond to the let­ter be­fore fil­ing the law­suit.

Short­ly af­ter Alexan­der is­sued his re­lease, Ude­cott's Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er Rox­anne Sta­ple­ton-Whyms is­sued a re­lease to the me­dia stat­ing that Ude­cott's chair­man Noel Gar­cia has threat­ened to sue Alexan­der in her per­son­al ca­pac­i­ty.

“I feel very ag­griev­ed. I am pay­ing this for my­self. Not a cent of tax-pay­ers dol­lars is be­ing used for my le­gal ac­tion. I wish to pro­tect my name and 39 years of un­blem­ished na­tion­al pub­lic ser­vice, hav­ing served on at least 10 Boards,” Gar­cia said, in a di­rect quote in Sta­ple­ton-Whyms' email.



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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby Dizzy28 » January 21st, 2020, 10:09 am

UdecoTT should just release the actual spend and shut him up. State enterprises expenses/contracts are not state secrets anyhows so they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by actually being transparent.

That is unless they really covering up something.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby K74T » January 21st, 2020, 10:46 am

reboot2020 can you tell us about Expo 2000 and Phillip Edward Alexander

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby VexXx Dogg » January 21st, 2020, 11:02 am

How much time he will "resign"?

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby Dizzy28 » January 21st, 2020, 11:11 am

VexXx Dogg wrote:How much time he will "resign"?

Probably as much times as Marlene get fired

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby VexXx Dogg » January 21st, 2020, 11:15 am

Dizzy28 wrote:
VexXx Dogg wrote:How much time he will "resign"?

Probably as much times as Marlene get fired

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby reboot2020 » January 21st, 2020, 11:20 am

Dizzy28 wrote:UdecoTT should just release the actual spend and shut him up. State enterprises expenses/contracts are not state secrets anyhows so they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by actually being transparent.

That is unless they really covering up something.

Agreed. If all is above board release the info being requested and win back some of the public trust as well as nullify a political opponent. Two birds with one stone.

K74T wrote:reboot2020 can you tell us about Expo 2000 and Phillip Edward Alexander

Not aware how the two are connected. Please share any relevant info you have on the subject.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby reboot2020 » January 21st, 2020, 3:23 pm

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby hydroep » January 24th, 2020, 7:22 am

T&T position changes on global Corruption Perception Index

Trinidad and To­ba­go has placed 85 out of 183 coun­tries in the lat­est Cor­rup­tion Per­cep­tion In­dex (CPI), chair­man of Trinidad and To­ba­go Trans­paren­cy In­sti­tute, Dion Ab­dool, has re­vealed.

Ab­dool made the state­ment this morn­ing at the launch of the 2019 CPI, at the Arthur Lok Jack Grad­u­ate School of Busi­ness in Mt Hope.

The av­er­age score for the CPI this year was 43.

T&T scored 40.

In the 2018 CPI, T&T re­ceived a score of 41 and was ranked 78.

The in­dex ranks coun­tries and ter­ri­to­ries by their per­ceived lev­els of pub­lic sec­tor cor­rup­tion, ac­cord­ing to ex­perts and busi­ness peo­ple.

It us­es a scale of ze­ro to 100, where ze­ro is high­ly cor­rupt and 100 is very clean.

More than two-thirds of coun­tries score be­low 50 on this year’s CPI, with an av­er­age score of just 43. Sim­i­lar to pre­vi­ous years, the da­ta shows that de­spite some progress, a ma­jor­i­ty of coun­tries are still fail­ing to tack­le pub­lic sec­tor cor­rup­tion ef­fec­tive­ly.

Ac­cord­ing to the CPI, the top coun­tries are New Zealand and Den­mark, with scores of 87 each, fol­lowed by Fin­land (86), Sin­ga­pore (85), Swe­den (85) and Switzer­land (85).

The bot­tom coun­tries are So­ma­lia, South Su­dan and Syr­ia with scores of 9, 12 and 13, re­spec­tive­ly

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby The_Honourable » January 24th, 2020, 10:12 am

TV6 poll...

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby maj. tom » January 24th, 2020, 11:02 am

Them TV poll doh mean nothing. The people who voting PNM this year obviously feel that corruption was less over the last 5 years than under the UNC. Once dey own ppl in power it doh matter. They are the ones who feeling national Pride.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » January 24th, 2020, 11:14 am

maj. tom wrote:Them TV poll doh mean nothing. The people who voting PNM this year obviously feel that corruption was less over the last 5 years than under the UNC. Once dey own ppl in power it doh matter. They are the ones who feeling national Pride.
Once you look injun (not in a suit) you are corrupted

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby rspann » January 24th, 2020, 11:16 am

Rowley gov't not corrupt. He say so himself.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » January 24th, 2020, 11:26 am

rspann wrote:Rowley gov't not corrupt. He say so himself.
1.Awaits Marlene verdict

2.India done cah supply weave to kamile and she theef out the sperm bank

3. Shamass cell bill is $50000, so no corruption dey

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby De Dragon » January 24th, 2020, 10:18 pm

Love how Noel Garcia seems to believe that:
1) His public service is unblemished :lol: .
2) The millions he stole from taxpayers is "paying this for myself" :lol:

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » January 24th, 2020, 10:25 pm

De Dragon wrote:Love how Noel Garcia seems to believe that:
1) His public service is unblemished .
2) The millions he stole from taxpayers is "paying this for myself"
Dat doh mean nutting elitecorolla will still vote PNM

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby j.o.e » May 31st, 2020, 8:45 am ... 66a74.html

A WOMAN dear to Princes Town Member of Parliament Barry Padarath is being investigated by police in connection with a bank account with close to $3 million in deposits.

A Sunday Express investigation which commenced last year has revealed that the personal account of the close relative, who is a housewife, was reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit of T&T (FIU) by a banking institution.

An intelligence report was then prepared by the FIU and submitted to the Financial Investigations Branch (FIB) of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) to conduct an investigation.

The FIU does not have investigative powers.

A criminal investigation has since been launched into the source of the money and officers have compiled a list of contractors who they believe could assist in their investigations.

The Sunday Express has confirmed that police officers have visited the Office of the Prime Minister for material that could possibly help them during the period Padarath (B) was employed by then-prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as her adviser.

While employed in that position, Padarath’s job specifications included assisting the PM with the planning and organising of policy and other related duties.

He received a salary of $18,000 a month, plus a $2,500 transport allowance.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » May 31st, 2020, 8:59 am

j.o.e wrote:

A WOMAN dear to Princes Town Member of Parliament Barry Padarath is being investigated by police in connection with a bank account with close to $3 million in deposits.

A Sunday Express investigation which commenced last year has revealed that the personal account of the close relative, who is a housewife, was reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit of T&T (FIU) by a banking institution.

An intelligence report was then prepared by the FIU and submitted to the Financial Investigations Branch (FIB) of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) to conduct an investigation.

The FIU does not have investigative powers.

A criminal investigation has since been launched into the source of the money and officers have compiled a list of contractors who they believe could assist in their investigations.

The Sunday Express has confirmed that police officers have visited the Office of the Prime Minister for material that could possibly help them during the period Padarath (B) was employed by then-prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as her adviser.

While employed in that position, Padarath’s job specifications included assisting the PM with the planning and organising of policy and other related duties.

He received a salary of $18,000 a month, plus a $2,500 transport allowance.
Yeah and?

Sounds like a move to hype up PNM idiots just like they did with voter padding and Cocaine and bombs in a water tank.

If other can't see this as harassment then they real idiots

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby j.o.e » May 31st, 2020, 10:19 am

Barry’s response (it’s in the full article if you follow the link) doesn’t sound like a man who is confident he is being victimized. It’s much easier to answer questions directly than beat around the bush when you’re innocent. Time will tell

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » May 31st, 2020, 10:49 am

j.o.e wrote:Barry’s response (it’s in the full article if you follow the link) doesn’t sound like a man who is confident he is being victimized. It’s much easier to answer questions directly than beat around the bush when you’re innocent. Time will tell
PNM made up crimes supported by a bias 1% media and PNM police leads knowhere. Look at the timing.

This is just to throw out to fuel to PNM ppl to believe anything that is put forward to these sheep.

Come on Joe I expect you to be smarter and reading the script. Have you not learnt any thing from Panday bank account and his fictitious charges?

As you said time always tell and it always leads to fictitious tales made up and nothing of sustance
Last edited by zoom rader on May 31st, 2020, 10:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby The_Honourable » May 31st, 2020, 10:53 am

Pnmites saying that is why he duck out the country before the borders closed.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby j.o.e » May 31st, 2020, 10:58 am

This is why Trinidad can’t get anywhere. All I do is post the article.
If a UNC being investigated is PNM propaganda if a PNM being investigated is UNC propaganda..... whole of tuner is same sheit. That’s why both sides screwing all of us over.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » May 31st, 2020, 11:01 am

The_Honourable wrote:Pnmites saying that is why he duck out the country before the borders closed.
That's the typical idiot response you will expect from these lowly educated folk.

Thete are still alot of these idiots and mods right here on tuner

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby zoom rader » May 31st, 2020, 11:04 am

j.o.e wrote:This is why Trinidad can’t get anywhere. All I do is post the article.
If a UNC being investigated is PNM propaganda if a PNM being investigated is UNC propaganda..... whole of tuner is same sheit. That’s why both sides screwing all of us over.
Then don't post trash leave that for elite

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby mero » May 31st, 2020, 11:26 am

Lol zoom fighting for black rights in one ched but wants all UNC accusing reports censored.

Zoom love Barry too bad yes.

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Re: *****The OFFICIAL Corruption Thread*****

Postby Redman » May 31st, 2020, 11:37 am

zoom rader wrote:
j.o.e wrote:

A WOMAN dear to Princes Town Member of Parliament Barry Padarath is being investigated by police in connection with a bank account with close to $3 million in deposits.

A Sunday Express investigation which commenced last year has revealed that the personal account of the close relative, who is a housewife, was reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit of T&T (FIU) by a banking institution.

An intelligence report was then prepared by the FIU and submitted to the Financial Investigations Branch (FIB) of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) to conduct an investigation.

The FIU does not have investigative powers.

A criminal investigation has since been launched into the source of the money and officers have compiled a list of contractors who they believe could assist in their investigations.

The Sunday Express has confirmed that police officers have visited the Office of the Prime Minister for material that could possibly help them during the period Padarath (B) was employed by then-prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as her adviser.

While employed in that position, Padarath’s job specifications included assisting the PM with the planning and organising of policy and other related duties.

He received a salary of $18,000 a month, plus a $2,500 transport allowance.
Yeah and?

Sounds like a move to hype up PNM idiots just like they did with voter padding and Cocaine and bombs in a water tank.

If other can't see this as harassment then they real idiots

Of course this is also when the Office of the Prime Minister had it's hand in box drain contract.


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